after an easy bus ride from takoma, we made our way to the mall via 18th street, lined with vendors of every type of obama gear imaginable and closed to everything except pedestrian traffic. police officers were everywhere, doing their best to move us along in a steady wave that overtook the entirety of the street. in minutes we were on the park grounds, astounded by the relative ease with which we had come. garth brooks, singing "bye, bye miss american pie," was being broadcast on the tremendous jumbotrons constructed throughout the area while people all about sang and danced along. it all felt like one big party.

soon announcements informed us that the parade route had filled to capacity before 9:30 am, and both entrances to it and to the mall had been closed off to any additional onlookers.

when i think about what it means for me to have been in this place at this time, i keep coming back to what obama has said all along -- what his quest for the presidency was all about -- the role of the people within our democracy; that this election was never about him, but that it has been about all of us. i stood on my little square of the hilltop as a show of support in our new leader, for whom we seem to be in need. standing in the place where the leaders of our nation convene to make it all happen, amidst the memorials to the tremendous events of our history, i reveled in the transition of power that symbolizes the freedom of our citizens and the role we play within our democracy.
obama captured much of this himself in his opening remarks at the lincoln memorial this past sunday:
What gives me that hope is what I see when I look out across this mall. For in these monuments are chiseled those unlikely stories that affirm our unyielding faith - a faith that anything is possible in America. Rising before us stands a memorial to a man who led a small band of farmers and shopkeepers in revolution against the army of an Empire, all for the sake of an idea. On the ground below is a tribute to a generation that withstood war and depression - men and women like my grandparents who toiled on bomber assembly lines and marched across Europe to free the world from tyranny’s grasp. Directly in front of us is a pool that still reflects the dream of a King, and the glory of a people who marched and bled so that their children might be judged by their character’s content. And behind me, watching over the union he saved, sits the man who in so many ways made this day possible.i look forward with hope and faith that this transition of power ushers in with it the opportunity to renew our spirits and to commit to the greater good. i go forth believing that we are the people we've been waiting for, recommitted to doing my best to make the world a better place for my having been in it.
And yet, as I stand here tonight, what gives me the greatest hope of all is not the stone and marble that surrounds us today, but what fills the spaces in between. It is you - Americans of every race and region and station who came here because you believe in what this country can be and because you want to help us get there. It is the same thing that gave me hope from the day we began this campaign for the presidency nearly two years ago; a belief that if we could just recognize ourselves in one another and bring everyone together - Democrats, Republicans, and Independents; Latino, Asian, and Native American; black and white, gay and straight, disabled and not - then not only would we restore hope and opportunity in places that yearned for both, but maybe, just maybe, we might perfect our union in the process.This is what I believed, but you made this belief real. You proved once more that people who love this country can change it. And as I prepare to assume the presidency, yours are the voices I will take with me every day I walk into that Oval Office - the voices of men and women who have different stories but hold common hopes; who ask only for what was promised us as Americans - that we might make of our lives what we will and see our children climb higher than we did.It is this thread that binds us together in common effort; that runs through every memorial on this mall; that connects us to all those who struggled and sacrifice and stood here before.
It is how this nation has overcome the greatest differences and the longest odds - because there is no obstacle that can stand in the way of millions of voices calling for change.